Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Family Love

Trying to decorate our house involves a lot of buying and a lot of new things.  However, this past weekend I received a couple of things that have been passed down in my family for years.  I thought I would share them with you!

I have a very large family and we are very close.  It has always been hard for my friends to keep up with who is who. During the holidays I get to spend a lot of time with my aunts.  My friends refer to all of my aunts as one, "The Aunts."  One day over Thanksgiving break I was out to lunch with The Aunts and they were talking about a lamp that was their mother's mother a.k.a Momo.  My ears immediately perked up when it sounded like I might get the chance to have this lamp.  I didn't know what it looked like and I didn't care, if it was Momo's then it had to be cool so I spoke up and The Aunts said YES!! I was so excited! When my parents delivered the lamp to me I couldn't believe my eyes- it is beautiful!  I LOVE it!  Here is a picture of the lamp.  It looks perfect in our entryway.

My parents also brought me this picture.  I get to keep it in my kitchen since it matches our rooster theme.  It was in my grandparents house and my dad loved it so it was handed down to my parents.  I remember it from when I was a little girl.  I love it.

I have also stolen an idea from my sister.  She made a copy of my grandmother's golden rolls recipe (the famous rolls we eat every Thanksgiving and Christmas).  She framed it and placed it in her kitchen.  This is very special to us because the recipe is in our Grandmother's handwriting.  There is even a smudge from when she was actually cooking.  So thanks sis for letting me steal your fabulous idea!

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