Sunday, January 29, 2012

A Place to Unwind

Decorating our house has been a slow (and exciting) work in progress.  For some reason I decided to tackle the bathrooms first.  I think it is because they are smaller and seem less overwhelming (and costly).  Here is my favorite part of our bathroom- the bath tub!  I love taking bubble baths.  It is my way to escape after a hard day of work, which is about everyday! 

My wonderful husband naturally thought I was going overboard when I started talking about dreams of putting a chandelier, lots of candles, picture frames, etc. around the bathtub.  However, I actually found many ways to get what I wanted and still keep the price down.  At first I was unsure of where to start so I went to Garden Ridge in Tulsa right after Christmas and snatched all of these candles for half off or more.  I was pretty pleased because we all know candles can be pricey.  I really wanted the candles to smell fabulous to help create a relaxing environment, but I got around having to spend a lot of money on fragrant candles by buying half of the candles fragrant free.  That cut the cost even more! 

After my candles were in place I started digging in my picture closet (yes, I actually have a whole closet devoted to picture albums, frames, etc.) and started arranging frames I already had in a way I loved.  A lot of the frames were leftover from our wedding, so I felt the satisfaction of putting some of my old wedding decor in good use.  I then found some old fabric from a past pinterest project and used it in a frame to go with my new theme and I also added pictures that make me happy since this is my happy place!

After the ledge was complete, I became very motivated to finish this part of the bathroom!  I picked up a bath rug with a giftcard my mom gave me and new towels with some potterybarn bucks I received in the mail for buying a new house.  I also put up the picture frame (a wedding gift) with a picture from our wedding day on the wall.  The next step was the chandelier.  I was hoping to find a candle one so we would not need to worry about electrical stuff.  I found the perfect one at Pier One (the first place I went to!).  My last step was to fill a vase I already had with bath beads and I snagged a cake stand at an antique shop for my fancy soaps.  And voila!  I have the perfect place to relax at the end of my days! 

This decorating experience has taught me to be patient.  My patience allowed me to snag deals, wait for coupons and giftcards to come my way, and use things I already had.  Which resulted in doing what I really wanted without settling.  What a great experience and place to relax!

1 comment:

  1. This looks amazing !! What a clever, clever girl you are !!! Love your blog !!!
