Saturday, July 9, 2011

Life Lessons

I have always loved blogs.  Since Jack and I are moving I thought this would be the perfect time to start one.  About a month ago Jack and I received the exciting news that he got the job he has always wanted in OKC.  This past month or so has been a whirl wind of driving back and forth between Tulsa and OKC trying to find our new home and where I am going to work.  But before I go into detail about our exciting new adventure, a reflection of my past seems to be the perfect place to start this blog.

While I am VERY proud of my husband and I am excited for what the future is going to bring us....I am a creature of habit...I prefer as little change as possible in my life.  I LOVE Tulsa and everything about it.  I have the best family and friends a girl can ask for here so it is not easy for me to leave.  I also had the best job here.  I taught at a high school with the BEST people and students.  I had studied how to be a teacher for four and a half years before actually teaching, but nothing prepared me for what having my own classroom and my own students would be like.  Teaching my students these past couple of years was one of the best learning experiences I have ever had.  I worked with the most amazing people and made friendships that will last forever.

Working with true friends is a huge blessing.  We were all a team and helped each other out 100% of the time when needed.  In a week I am going on a cruise with some of the amazing people I worked with.  The people I worked with were not the only thing I loved about my job.  My students taught me some of the greatest lessons in life. They reminded how important unconditional love is and what it really means to be there for someone.  They were a constant reminder of how important it is to always be yourself.  And while I will miss everyone sorely next school year, I have gained so much knowledge about teaching from these past couple of years and I will always hold the school (and town) and everyone in it dear to my heart.  I am not sure how much The Hunger Games or Algebra 1 will help me with my new teaching job, but I know I will be a stronger teacher at my new school because of everything I learned.

In one week I go on a cruise and then as soon as I get back it will be time to pack up and head to our new home!  Stay tuned... (if you want!)

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