Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Chicks Ahoy!!

Hola!  I am usually not a procrastinator, but as I am sitting around my living room with boxes piled high to the ceiling I can easily think of a million things I "need" to do besides the obvious...packing.  So here I am doing what probably should not be on the top of my to-do list right now...posting a blog! 

Last week I went on a cruise with 8 of my amazing friends.  We all had so much fun!  Our cruise stopped at two places.  Our first stop was Progresso, Mexico and our second stop was Cozumel, Mexico.  Our days were full of laying out, sight seeing, and running around Passion Island (or doing back flips in my case). And our nights were full of dancing and singing on the ship.  We had very big social lives on the ship...it was quite exhausting if you ask me, but we somehow managed.  :) 

Since our vacation mainly consisted of being confined to a ship in the middle of the ocean, there was a lot of bonding and inside jokes being made.  We have so many that half of our conversations do not make sense to people listening in or they have no idea that what we are saying is an inside joke (which is always funny). One inside joke in particular involved "worry dolls."  We found them in Texas the night before we left and joked about how much I love them.  I had them as a child, which my friends found to be pretty funny because I worry constantly.  I am also always trying to find ways to stop worrying.  Anyone who knows what worry dolls are will know that they are EVERYWHERE in Mexico.  Worry dolls originated from Guatemala.  There is a legend amongst the Highland Indian villages of Guatemala: "If you have a problem, then share it with a worry doll.  Before going to bed, tell one worry to each doll, then place them beneath your pillow.  While you sleep, the dolls will take your worries away." 

Like I said before, the trip was amazing!  I made friendships that will last forever and became even closer with dear friends I already had.  I will love them forever, everything about them!  And I will miss them even more now when school starts back up!  Jack and I move into our new house on Thursday so I should probably get back to packing before I have to get my worry dolls out!

Love always,

All nine of us on the morning we left.

Our first night on the ship.

Placing my worry dolls under my pillow.

All of us with Katie Austin (country singer-you should check her out!)

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