Tuesday, April 24, 2012

New Shutters!

I love when houses have shutters.  I just love that look.  Before we even walked into the house we live in now I said that it needed shutters if we were going to buy it.  Then we stepped inside the house and we all quickly realized that shutters were the only thing the house "needed."  While weighing the pros and cons of the house with my parents, my dad said he could make us the shutters I "needed."  So we bought it under the condition that I would get my shutters.  My dad did an AMAZING job.  They came out perfect!  My dad is very talented at building things out of wood.  He can really make anything.  It is pretty incredible!  This past weekend my dad, husband, cousin, and sister's boyfriend hung them up for us.  We love them!  Thank you dad!                                                           


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