Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Bathroom Door

I LOVE black doors and lately I have LOVED painting doors.  Here is my latest project. I like the black against the tan stripes. :)

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Bathroom Stripes

I painted stripes in our bathroom.  I LOVE it.  It was too easy. :)

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Shower Rings

Hello! Hanging your purses/bags with shower rings is always a good idea. :)


A couple of weeks ago Jack and I went on a family vacation to Florida with his family. It was so fun! I collected some seashells while we were there and placed them around our guest bedroom. Just something to help us remember the fun times on this trip! :)

Happy Fourth of July!!

This week's flowers!  Happy 4th of July! 

Thursday, May 30, 2013


Have you ever thought of an idea on how to fix a problem all by yourself and then couldn't help but beam with a little bit of pride when it worked?  Well, that was me the other day.  I turned into a genius.  However, my random strokes of genius often seem to be common sense to everyone else. This is why I am choosing not to look this idea up on Pinterest, other blogs, the internet, etsy, etc. This approach will ensure my happy dance doesn't have to stop every time I walk into my closest.

All of that being said....the other day the hubs and I went to IKEA.  Needless to say it was a happy day.  We bought some shoe holders. I love them, but they do not hold my boots. Therefore, my boots have been flopping over on the ground.  (I know...big problem, right?) But if you struggle with OCD like me, it can be. :) 

I have seen OTHER ideas about how to make sure your boots do not flop over.  However, I came up with this idea all by myself.  I decided to put the inside of a paper towel roll in my boots. This way there is no flopping over.  When I showed Jack how genius this was he tried to tell me that I am definitely not the first to figure this out.  I just ignored him because I figured it out on my own too! So, here is pictures of my genius idea (that I am sure others have thought of as well).  Go ahead and take this idea (if it is not common sense) so your boots do not flop over. :)




Saturday, May 18, 2013

Just a little bit of color!

I painted around the fire place and a hidden door in our living room. It is the same color as some picture frames in the room. I love it!  P.s.  My dog is naturally that perfect. :)

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Sweet Dreams

I was looking through some of our wedding pictures and I came across these pictures of the "Sweet Dreams" pillows from The DoubleTree hotel. My photographer took some pictures of my veil and our rings with the pillows. I thought it would be fitting to hang the pictures my our bed. The frames are red, which is one of the accent colors in our room. I love how they turned out! :)


Sunday, April 7, 2013

Spring Mantle

I worked on our mantle on this lazy Sunday. Here it is!  The white vases are actually ketchup, mustard, etc. holders. They usually live in the kitchen. :)

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Truffula Tree!

Today we planted a Truffula tree!!! Actually, it is a crabapple tree. Oh well!  It was the closest we could find! I still sang the theme song to The Lorax in my head the whole time. Happy weekend!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Pantry Door

Happy Easter!! I found out that Home Depot has colored chalkboard paint. I used it on the inside of the pantry door. Now we can write secret messages to each other, to-do lists, grocery lists, and just whatever we want!  I will be using this paint again! Here is the paint I used and then the door. Super fun!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Barn Door

Happy Spring Break!!  This has been a very busy year!  Unfortunately, my house has been neglected because of it.  However, I was able to paint the pantry door the other day.  I love pantry doors that are painted and I LOVED how mine turned out.  Here is my door!

Here is the process.  I did not start out with a plan.  I just played around until I liked it. :)