Monday, June 25, 2012

Laundry Sign

There has not been a lot of time to work on our house this summer. However, I did repaint a little hallway we have outside of the laundry room. Let me tell you- there is nothing exciting about repainting a tan hallway tan. So, I decided to add some excitement. I went to Hobby Lobby and bought this sign. I did not want to put a hole in our door so I tied a hanger to it and hung it from a peice of burlap. I nailed the burlap to the top of the door. Wahoo! No hole and a sign! Now that is exciting!

Monday, June 4, 2012


My dad made us these garden boxes.  Even though I do not have a green thumb at all, we had to take advantage of our new garden boxes.  We planted squash, cucumbers, and peppers of all kinds.  It has been a struggle for me to keep these plants alive and well.  At first I was drowning them.  Then we had a few storms, which left them broken or gone.  Our latest hail storm destroyed our cucumber plants.  Luckily, it is still early in the season so we can start over again with the cucumbers.  Here is a picture of our gardens (before the horrible hail storm) and our first (and only) squash!

Friday, June 1, 2012


It is a rainy day in OKC so I decided to finish our mudroom area.  It was fun to transform this little space with things we already had.  I couldn't find the before picture, but this space was very plain.  The walls were white with just the things on the back wall.  Now we have a cute spot for keys, mail, bills, bags, etc.