Friday, December 23, 2011

Our Home

My mother-in-law asked me this morning to post some pictures of our new home.  Since we have lived here for about five months, I agreed with her that it is probably about time!  When I got off the phone with her I realized that is has also been about five months since I have posted a blog (I guess I am not going to be very good at this!)  So I decided to, "kill two birds with one stone."

Here is the front of our house.  You might notice only one strand of Christmas lights.  Our lovely light display took me about 3 hours and many tears.  Next year I will make sure we have a staple gun and a big enough ladder!

This is our extra study room.

This is our guest bathroom. (I had to have a least one girly room in the house.)

This is our back patio.  This is my favorite part of our house.  I spend most of my time here when the weather is nice.

Here is our kitchen!  I spend many hours a day cooking Jack home-made delicious meals (Just kidding!  That could be dangerous!)  Everyone knows Jack does the cooking and I do the cleaning!

Here is our living room.

There is still three bedrooms, the master bath, and a laundry room but they are not even close to being complete!  Happy Holidays all!